
Profile Photo of BlazeContact

While soul searching in 2001, I met three guys that changed my life, Vertigo, Vortex, and Jedi.After see them at a local club, they turned me onto glowsticks. Together we switched to spinning fire. And over the next year I became one of the original brothers. With them we opened San Antonio minds to fire spinning. But I decided to take some time off to start my life. Only to come back years later, and it was truly good to be back with the brothers. I love how we have matured as a team and how we’ve come so far, from the smallest clubs to the Alamodome. Our skill has come a long way in the past decade. Even though we have done big shows in front of thousands of people, I enjoy performing for kids birthday parties because they have the best reactions. They look at us like we’re real life superheroes.  Being a full time student and worker, I don’t get to hit the stage as much as I used to, but when I do be sure to cheer for BLAZE!